What does it mean to be Virtual Power Plant (VPP) ready?

Source: Darwin-Katherine Electricity System Plan

Source: Darwin-Katherine Electricity System Plan

CutlerMerz have recently been engaged by the Northern Territory (NT) Government to provide advice and recommendations on the steps and requirements necessary to establish a ‘Virtual Power Plant ready’ operating environment across the technical, commercial and regulatory domains within the Northern Territory.

Our support included:

  • Identification of the limitations and opportunities present in the NT power network and systems control to enable VPP functionality and its associated benefits to the electricity system

  • Targeted engagement with various stakeholders within the industry and the NT jurisdiction to validate the issues and challenges that need to be overcome

  • Comprehensive assessment of the options available to achieve VPP-readiness through examples in other leading jurisdictions in Australia

  • Development of a framework detailing the essential requirements to achieve a “VPP Ready” state

  • Roadmap presenting the stages and recommended actions to be “VPP Ready” across a 10 year horizon

The outcomes of our work supported the development of the NT Government’s Darwin-Katherine Electricity System Plan that sets out the pathway to achieving the target of 50% renewables by 2030.

Check out the Darwin-Katherine Electricity System Plan here.


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