
The challenge of getting energy policy right is heightened by the unprecedented change occurring in the market. Disruptions to the traditional energy market model reinforce the need for clear and coordinated policy objectives.

By being at the forefront of the policy discussion, we are supporting businesses and policymakers shape the future market. The depth of our techno-regulatory expertise enables us to construct policy arguments and create the case for change. We understand the specific amendments that need to be made to pave the way for an effective future energy market. In addition, we know the cornerstones of policy settings that should remain untouched.


Though it presents itself in many forms, we believe a transformation exercise is most valuable to our clients if it aims to align a top-down market outcome, with a bottom-up activity-based solution. The uniqueness of our offering in this area is supported by our in-house models which leverage operational practices of power utilities around the nation to separate efficient/prudent practices from sub-optimal activities. Furthermore, our involvement in forming the regulatory landscape for power and energy organisations at both federal and state levels enables us to pressure test organisational outputs against expected responses from regulators.

Market Modelling

CutlerMerz has successfully combined expertise in several areas including asset management, economics, statistics, and software engineering to create models that have been recognised and accepted by various market players including businesses and regulators.

Our models have underpinned and justified investments ranging from single renewable energy projects interacting with the energy market, to whole of expenditure programmes over 5–20 year timeframes.